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  1. WI:No Electoral Majority in 1912?

    Although Woodrow Wilson won in an electoral landslide he didn't gain a majority of the popular vote, and in many of the states he won his total vote count was below 50%. Let's say Roosevelt avoids assassination, word of one of Wilson's affairs breaks outs, James Sherman's death is butterflied...
  2. Can The Entente still win without Britain?

    One of the most popular PODs about WWI is Germany not invading Belgium, and thus not setting off Britain. In most of these scenarios Germany handily beats the French and Russians, but I am curious. Do The Entente have the strength to defeat Germany? Or would Germany really just walk over them?
  3. Shall Eagles not be Eagles? An American Timeline

    Shall Eagles Not Be Eagles? An American Timeline Shall eagles not be eagles? wrens be wrens? If all the world were falcons, what of that? The wonder of the eagle were the less, But he not less the eagle - Alfred Tennyson Chalchuapa, El Salvador 1885 The heat of battle, this is...
  4. WI:France lose's The Battle of Valmy?

    The Battle of Valmy was one of the most important battle's of the French Revolution. What if thing's turned out differently?
  5. Should I get Darkest Hour?

    I'm thinking about getting Hearts of Iron: Darkest Hour, what I want to know is, how does it compare with modern paradox games? I'm mostly interested because of the World War 1 star date and kaiserreich mod which both sound awesome. I also am interested in modding capability, I heard the engine...
  6. WI:Dominican Republic joins Gran Colombia?

    In 1821 The Dominican Republic declared independence and petitioned to join Gran Colombia, but was cut short by a Haitian invasion. What would the effects be on the region if the nation was able to survive and join Gran Colombia? Would it be ultimately good or bad for the Union and the...
  7. WI: Soviets win at Warsaw?

    What if the Soviets won at the Battle of Warsaw during the Soviet-Polish war in 1920 I'm particularly looking for answers to these questions: How will this affect the spread of Communism in the West? Do Germany, Britain, and France have...
  8. WI:Mohammad Mosaddegh not overthrown Mohammad Mossaddegh was the first Democratically elected President of Iran, but was overthrown by the US and Britain, and replaced by The Shah. What would the side effects be if he was not overthrown?
  9. WI:Japan partioned by European Powers?

    What if Japan become partitioned by European Powers like its neighbor China or worse become the subject of a Berlin Conference-esque treaty? What would the consequences be on the balance of power in Europe? How would Japan fare when decolonization happens? And how would this affect Korea?
  10. WI: Anwar Sadat assaination fails?

    What would the effects be if Anwar Sadat was not killed in 1981?
  11. Most pimping military leader.

    Joachim Murat: Flamboyant cavalry commander under Napoleon. King of Naples in 1815. Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck: German Commander during World War 1. Was only commander during the war never to lose a battle. During the 1960s, Charles Miller asked the nephew of a Schutztruppe officer, "I understand...
  12. Taiping rebellion question.

    Was it possible for the Heavenly Kingdom to succeed or was it doomed from the start?