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  1. Palace of the Soviets Built

    I doubt America would fight back by building a "palace". I mean, it's a fun idea. But more likely they'd go for constructing an office block kind of thing. Stalin loved the palace thing, but a sky scraper would be more American. No doubt Russia would want to try to beat America again. And...
  2. Vinland Succeeds-- My First TL

    Oh, no Zwarq, do make a Vinland timeline. It's a pretty wide topic. Just because it has the same PoD wouldn't make it the same.
  3. Early space flight--how early can we reasonably go?

    I don't see the relevance to this thread. If you want to get rid of Christianity, you'd need a really early PoD. Far too early for space flight to develop for reasons not directly connected to the POD in 100 years.
  4. AH challenge: Communist President of the USA

    Hitler is killed in WWI, and the Soviet Union looses the Russian civil war, and Russia eventually goes Fascist. Slightly later on, the Communists loose out in Germany is well. Afraid of the onslaught of fascism, the west supports the Spanish left against France and the Chinese Communists against...
  5. Jewish China

    This is awesome. Seriously all kinds of awesome.
  6. Map Thread IV

    Congratulations. You win for today.
  7. C.S.A. Movie: Confederate History!

    I saw it yesterday. Its a fun documentary. But like so many documentaries, its not too based on actual research.
  8. The Presidency of Al Gore, 2001-2009

    Bits I found particularly insane How insane is this? Does the writer really think Hussein would willingly give up his power for literary fame? Besides, Hussein could probably get an agent for his literature anyway. He was quite famous. Unlikely. There's so much quoting in this...
  9. WI: Beastiality is an accepted pratice...

    The butterflies for this would destroy the modern world. But imagine a Judaism that positively encourages the priest to engage in sexual relations with the consecrated sacrificial animal. A female version, mostly theoretical and involving sex with animals is banned. This world's equivalent...
  10. Map Thread III

    And my thoughts on 2018. Worst case scenario in Russia assumed.
  11. Map Thread III

    And this is my prediction for this world in 2018. The light blue is EU administered states in the time quaranteen zone.
  12. Map Thread III

    Chinese presence in Europe?! Explain yourself sir!
  13. New Insults/Slurs

    Chan The gypsy word for "child" is "Chav", they used it as a term of endearment and it got picked up on and made into a racial slur for gypsy. At some point it became the English word for a certain type of working class, baseball cap wearing type. In a world where Japan for some reason...
  14. Map Thread III

    That is correct, sorry for not noting them. It slipped my mind for some reason. The Baha'i's probably have a small number in all states, but I'm assuming that some areas attract a larger immigrant population and are more effected by the growth of the religion than others. Oh, the modern...
  15. Enoch Powell as Prime Minister of Great Britain

    Indeed. I'd have been interested to see him write a time line based on the premise. "Enoch Powell wins and Britain becomes a perfect utopia inhabited by only white Anglo-Saxons and maybe some Celts." I can't see it ever panning out like that.
  16. Enoch Powell as Prime Minister of Great Britain

    This is interesting to me. I don't really know what a properly English London would look like. Ethnically homogenous? Cafes serving jellied eels and pie rather than curry or chinese food or kebabs or pizzas? I wonder if a Powellist society would stick; or if he would rule for a while, get...
  17. DBWI: Happy New Year!

    Do we have to do this "bloody commies" thing? We live in an age of mass communication, we should be using this to foster cooperation between the workers and peasants of the world, not to keep up some old pissing contest between different nations and cultures. For those in the Imperial...
  18. Comrade Tsar

    I could imagine a member of the Russian royal family surviving by fighting for the revolution, being a good communist and expecting nothing in return, and being careful to use himself as a propaganda tool for the Communist Party in the most orthodox and non-treatening way ever. But there's no...