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  1. Can This Norman Scenario Work?

    Kindly excuse me if this is ASB, or my logic/scenario is off; I openly admit I have very little knowledge of this subject, which is why I request your assistance in critiquing and advising! I’ve become quite interested in the Normans in the last few months. After researching them, I’ve been...
  2. WI: Selim I Assassinated before Chaldiran?

    I've been researching for my TL, and came across a little snippet on Wikipedia that shocked me a bit. In 1514, Selim's army (moving east to invade the Safavid Empire) was moving through harsh terrain, where it was cut off from supply lines. The men became incredibly discontented by this, so much...
  3. La Serenissima: Venice, Dawn of a New Power 2.0

    La Serenissima: Venice, Dawn of a New Power Intro: 1492: While historically in a continuous state of quarrelling, the fiercely independent city-states of Italy have experienced nearly 40 years of relative tranquility. After the peace of Lodi in 1454, it was the realization that none of the...
  4. Italy, a Destiny Fulfilled: Future Discussion Thread

    Italy, a Destiny Fulfilled (or IDF) has apparently become too vastly complicated to cater to the likings of everyone. In order to keep the integrity of the TL and still allow the creative juices of many prize AH members to flow, this thread's purpose is for brainstorming and discussions of...
  5. WI no Emancipation Proclimation

    During the American Civil War (1861-1865), British leaders widely favored the Confederacy, as it had been a major source of cotton for textile mills, but Prince Albert was effective in defusing the Trent episode, and the British people, who depended heavily on American food imports, generally...
  6. Italy, a Destiny Fulfilled

    Italy, notorious for its bad moves and let downs, economic condition and drastic North South divide. What if one could go back and rewrite them into triumphs? Ok people, my second real TL. Thanks very much for your help on various threads I've set up in order to write this. Special thanks to...
  7. Ah challenge: Flip Italy's South

    Well, the new Italy wank is progressing and the first trial part is in the works. What my challenge is, with a POD in 1863, change Italy's south from an unindustrialized, useless wasteland (sorry to be so harsh, I'm from there and its not easy to say), to something that resembles civilization...
  8. Great Power Death Match

    I came across an Article on Wikipedia on Great powers. I saw a table that had all the Great powers in 1900 (Austria-Hungary, British Empire, Empire of Japan, French 3rd rep., German Empire, Kingdom of Italy, Russian Empire, U.S.A). Lets say that these 8 countries were the undisputed world...
  9. Ideas on an Italy Wank

    Franciscus Caesar is Going to wank another country!? The answer: A Huge Maybe. My Current TL "Venice: Dawn of a New Power", has become very popular on AH (Thank you all) and i feel i can take on 2 at once, even for the better. I feel it to be quite boring researching strictly Venice for hours...
  10. Venice: Dawn of a New Power... The Poll!

    So, hey everyone! Welcome to Venice: Dawn of a New Power the Poll! The matter of this poll is... Venetian Colonization in the west. Is it possible in my thread Venice: Dawn of a New Power The 2 below paragraphs are written as my post...
  11. Test Poll

    this is a test!!:)
  12. Venice: Dawn of a new Power Pt. 2

    Ok, heres the second part of the TL Venice, dawn of a new power! i personally feel this is better than the first:) A few footnotes 1.) croatian PoD from before...long story, don't ask, i'm sure it will come... eventually:o 2.) Ptolemaic channel= OTLs Suez cannal. 3.) Ottomans and Venetians are...
  13. Venice: Dawn of a new power

    Alright everyone, it is now time for me to unveil my new TL (and my first!). Thank you again to Cornelius, Jimbrock, Polish Eagle and Abdul Hadi Pasha for help on this TL. I hope you all enjoy and please comment and suggest on the TL and Future scenarios for it. I hope you all enjoy and again...
  14. Opinions on a venice TL

    I am looking for opinions on a TL i am strongly considering making. i have recently been posting this idea on other threads and now i feel like taking it on. just looking for some opinions/suggestions on it I am thinking of having the Venetians not sack Constantinople in the fourth crusade...