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  1. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0137 December 1940

    December 1, 1940 North Atlantic A lookout eighty feet above the breaking seas squinted. He could barely see as the ship was plunging up and down through the squall driven waves. Snow was blinding him as the storm limited his visibility to only a few miles. He brought his hand to his face and...
  2. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0136 November 1940

    ...mitigates against this challenge. Multiple carrier air wings operating together produces an exponential increase in defensive capability. *** Stealing most of this from OTL Lt. Cmdr. Obie’s USN report. November 6...
  3. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0135 October 1940

    October 2, 1940 London England 2200 He should not have been here. He was an American who had been recently released from a German prisoner of war camp. He had spent the time between the declaration of war and the armistice as a volunteer ambulance driver supporting the French Army. The American...
  4. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0134 September 1940

    September 1, 1940 Casablanca MV Stirling Castle eased into dock. Stevedores were waiting to unload fruit and fuel from the Caribbean while thirteen hundred French sailors from the fleet interned in the West Indies waited to set foot on dry land. The journey across had been fast as the liner...
  5. The basic premise is what happens if the US does not embrace balance budget mania in a time of...

    The basic premise is what happens if the US does not embrace balance budget mania in a time of great unused capacity that led to the recession of 1938 and instead partially embraces explicit Keynesian economics by expending funds on military expenditures instead of public relief. Instead of a...
  6. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0133 July 31 to August 31 1940

    July 31, 1940 Santa Monica, California Emptiness along the factory floor was eerie. The lines had been shut down an hour ago. Partially completed aircraft were left in place for the evening as the first shift had been told to assemble at the front gate two hours before quitting time. Once...
  7. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0132 July 1 to July 30 1940

    July 1, 1940 France signed an armistice with Germany. All of the Atlantic Coast in a strip twenty miles deep along with the entire country north of the Loire at Orleans would be occupied by the Germans. They would also seize a strip of land forty miles from the pre-war German border including...
  8. Malaya What If

    I disagree. Look at the USN procurement requests pre-war as an example. The USN between 1936 and 1941 funding and wish list was for the following: BB: 2 North Carolina 4 South Dakota 6 Iowa (you could argue were a heavy BC) 5 Montana & 6 Alaska light battlecruisers (which really has a weird...
  9. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0131 June 16 to June 30 1940

    June 16, 1940 Italy declared war on France and Great Britain. The Royal Navy began to mine approaches to Italian ports and plans to whittle down the Italian Fleet were put into action. The two opposing armies on the coastal Alps glowered menacingly at each other as they hid behind their heavily...
  10. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0130 June 2 to June 15 1940

    June 3, 1940 Northumberland The forty Royal Engineers sweated in the late spring sun. The last of the concrete was being poured into the bunker’s wall mold. Steel rods stuck upwards as they had nothing to reinforce yet. Another work party three hundred yards away was also working on their own...
  11. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0129 May 19 to June 3 1940

    May 25, 1940 852 Berck, France A dozen tanks and seven score men rested. They had reached the sea. Six men had dismounted a few minutes ago to assess the state of the small town’s petrol station. They had come back with a single French police officer in front of them. He insisted that the...
  12. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0128 May 18, 1940 to May 24, 1940

    May 18, 1940 0745 Montcornet France Forty four D-2 tanks were tasked to advance on the crossroads as soon as the artillery group shifted their targets to the German rear. Thirty one tanks advanced. The others were scattered between the railhead at Reims and the treeline at the southern edge of...
  13. How "should" WWII in 1940 have gone?

    Why would Italy jump in if the French were still in decent shape and not collapsing? There is no Mediterranean strategy available in this scenario.
  14. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    As Carefully Slowly
  15. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0127 May 12 to May 18 1940

    May 12, 1940 0733 near Bodo Norway Eleven men were in the water. Their five hundred ton coaster was forty yards behind them, broken in half. The stern was sinking while the empty forward section floated around like a cork filled child’s bath toy. They had delivered another cargo to the Allied...
  16. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0126 May 11 to May 12 1940

    May 11, 1940 0300 village of Troisvierges, Luxemburg The night shift was the easy shift for the village police. The few taverns had closed hours ago and the usual greatest threat overnight was the lack of coffee. Tonight was different. The border crossing into Germany had been empty for hours...
  17. Malaya What If

    Let's get ready to RUMBLE
  18. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0125 May 2 to May 10 1940

    May 2, 1940 HMS Hood Plymouth She was immobile. Power was flowing through the hundreds of tools civilians and landlubbers brought aboard her. Her engines had been opened up. Thousands of tubes were being replaced by both her crew and the yard workers. Some of the tubes were in fine condition...
  19. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0124 April 17 1940 to May 1 1940

    April 17, 1940 0517 near Stavanger, Norway Six ships’ guns flashed. Fourteen heavy shells heaved skyward along with sixteen lighter shells from the destroyers. The airfield had been captured by paratroopers the previous week. The defenders were able to put heavy equipment on the concrete runway...
  20. Keynes Cruisers
    Threadmarks: Story 0123 April 9 1940 to April 16 1940

    April 9, 1940 0418 Aboard HMoNS Draug Four three inch guns tracked the merchant ship Main. The Norwegian crew had been hearing radio snippets of foreign operations in Norwegian waters. British minelayers were active in the north while a German transport had been sunk near Kristiansand while...