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  1. Map Thread VIII

    For the most part yes. Some exceptions, none of which are major: Why all the panhandles in the Great Plains? I'm mostly thinking about the states in OTL Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Arkansas, and Iowa. Extending Arkansas west makes some sense. I can't think of any reason why ATL Iowa gets...
  2. Look to the West -- Thread II

    ...just awesome. Let me count the ways: 1) I have a much stronger feel for how having 5 confederations (as opposed to 13 - 50 states) is affecting *American attitudes about government. 1 Confederation is much more powerful than 1 state. Very cool. 2) Virginia manumits -- very important...
  3. "The Bloody Man"

    So there will be an Ensemencement in New Frace? I would guess that the "seeding" might have an impact on the French population in the new world. Also, it's great to see the United Colonies of New England make an appearance. Such an underused curiosity of OTL.
  4. Chaos: The Presidential Election of 1996 v1.2

    On Clinton: on one hand, he hasn't had the worst of the Lewinsky debacle -- no Ken Starr, no "I did not have sex with that woman," no impeachment. However, despite avoiding the rancor, he also avoids being associated with the positive economic trends of the late 90s. The 2nd term followed up on...
  5. The Futurist Manifesto: An Alternate Great War & Beyond

    1) GDP is a very interesting and compelling way to apportion seats. 2) So we have Liberals in charge of the UK parliament, but they support imperial preference and reform. And we have Liberals and Conservatives forming a unity government for the war, but without the Radicals and Labor. I...
  6. The Futurist Manifesto: An Alternate Great War & Beyond

    Oh, now this is VERY interesting...the British are essentially declaring themselves against the aggressors, but only in terms of a naval blockade. That can't last long, if they actually plan to land the IEF in Belgium. If British Imperial troops end up being shot at by both the French and the...
  7. The Futurist Manifesto: An Alternate Great War & Beyond

    A new EM timeline! With a Federal British Empire! Huzzah! Thoughts: 1) I'm a little hesitant about the speed with which Imperial Preference becomes full-on Imperial Reform - reorganizing the United Kingdom itself, thwarting the power of the House of Lords, etc. However, OTL had a lot of...
  8. "The Bloody Man"

    Well, there's a limit to the benefits of top-down leadership on efforts to consolidate the New Englanders: for example, Edmund Andros' ill-fated attempts to curbstomp the Dominion of New England into existance during the Restoration. After which the confederation lapsed into distant memory...
  9. "The Bloody Man"

    Great stuff. I notice that you're using "Saybrook" as both noun and adjective. One of the 12 residential colleges at modern Yale is called Saybrook; denizens of the college are typically referred to as "Saybrugians". That said, it's such a Latinate phrase, that it's hard to see TTL's...
  10. Best time for the USA to get Canada?

    I agree in principle. However, there are a lot of examples in colonial history of strong anti-catholic tendencies. For example, see New England captivity stories which chronicle colonists kidnapped in mourning wars by various native tribes. The colonists then tended to conflate these tribes...
  11. Fear, Loathing and Gumbo on the Campaign Trail '72

    They indicate which class the Senators belong to. This class determines when they are up for election: 1/3 of the Senate is elected to 6 year terms every two years. Hence, the composition of the body only changes slowly since the whole group is never up for election at once (unlike the House...
  12. Dominion of Southern America - Updated July 1, 2018

    Canada's original flag wasn't the maple leaf; it was a red ensign with a coat of arms. See link: They changed the arms in 1921. And this flag wasn't a de jure national flag. The maple leaf was adopted in 1964, as the de jure...
  13. Where is the "natural" boundary between North and South?

    If you're looking for a natural boundary line, I'd go with rivers: the Potomac to the Ohio to the Mississippi and then maybe to the Missouri/Osage. If you're interested in the historical, demographic, agricultural reasons, that these rivers make sense, then I think you've got that info in the...
  14. Look to the West -- Thread II

    Leibowitz does spring to mind, though it seems to a reference to the new Battlestar Galactica series. And very amusing at that.
  15. The Stars at Night: A Texas Timeline [gasping for breath]. Write more, quickly, please! From a relative power projection standpoint, I understand why the US gets as much of the SW as they did. However, do they have real access to the territory? With Texas's greater NW holdings, the main passes over the...
  16. Look to the West -- Thread II

    Interesting tidbits of the ENA's balance of power between Empire and Confederation: 1) the Treaty of Nashborough is between the Confederation of Carolina and the Grand Duchy of Louisiana. It doesn't seem to require any Imperial assent. 2) Do I understand correctly that the Confederation of...
  17. For Want of Wheel

    Very interesting stuff. I liked the War of 1810-2. How much of Ontario is American now? I expect it's really just the land that borders the Great Lakes. Even so, that still probably puts a firm divide between Quebec and the Maritimes on the one hand, and Rupertsland, the Prairie and Oregon...
  18. Let Us Strive (2.0)

    I do love how close it is, but wouldn't it be cooler if he died on the centennial itself?
  19. Let Us Strive (2.0)

    Minor quibble: this means he just misses following Adams & Jefferson in dying on July 4 itself.
  20. Under the Eagle Flag 2.0: An Alternate History of the World, 1821-2010

    Kudos on the new version of the TL to date. Scenarios where the US faces real failure in the 19th century are oddly fascinating. I wanted to offer some pointers on the mechanics of a contingent election (i.e. an election for President and Vice-President decided by the Congress). The best...