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  1. Protect and Survive: The Last Game, February 19, 1984

    Don't forget about Florida State University, @Brky2020--from the Protect and Survive Miami: End of Watch thread, IIRC, the state capital of Tallahassee (where Florida State is) wasn't hit (and neither was Gainesville)...
  2. When the Wind Blew: a P&S Open Thread

    Like I said earlier in the Protect and Survive (or was it one of the spinoff threads?) thread: the one time Cleveland is lucky is the one time it shouldn't be lucky...
  3. Plausibility Check: Yet Another "Draka" Timeline

    This sounds interesting--I'd read it, for one...
  4. When the Wind Blew: a P&S Open Thread

    Yes, it did--the people holding James Reihle captive were lying to him, especially since Thompson is still alive...
  5. BOlieve: A Sports/Pop Culture Timeline

    Here's an idea: Brett Favre avoids his OTL accident in 1990 and the Packers draft him in 1991 instead of Atlanta...
  6. Malaya What If

    Talk about a gambit pileup (the British and Japanese invasions probably running into each other)--things are going to go off the rails for the Japanese in Malaya, if they haven't already...
  7. Our Fractured Crown: An Eastern Roman Timeline

    Good update, @Averious--talk about a Reason You Suck Speech from John to Gregory, and a well-deserved one, at that...
  8. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    With regards to Mexico, @President_Lincoln , a certain disaster that will occur in Mexico in 1985 will play a large role in the downfall of the PRI, methinks...
  9. Protect and Survive: The Last Game, February 19, 1984

    It's 19th, not 21st--good update, though... On a side note, I (and a lot of others here, I'm sure) are probably glad this TL never came to pass... Hoping your other TL gets updated soon...
  10. Protect and Survive: The Last Game, February 19, 1984

    At least TTL will have a good final NCAA title game (in 1983 in OTL) and this will be the last highlight of the Final Four ITTL: Good start, and waiting for more...
  11. Delaunay's dream: A World Football Timeline

    Group A: Argentina Group B: Italy Group C: Scotland Group D: Brazil
  12. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    Funnily enough, I'd agree with Flynt about Falwell...
  13. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    OTOH, if Jerry Falwell had punched Larry Flynt after that parody ad he did implying that Falwell and his mother committed incest instead of suing, it'd be the only time I'd be on his side...
  14. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    Never forget what Barry Goldwater said about Jerry Falwell (I may have posted this in the first part, too): "Every good Christian should kick Jerry Falwell in the ass." Goldwater is one of the more interesting figures in American history--he supported gay rights towards the end of his life...
  15. the best movies never made

    Strangers on a Train (1951) Alfred Hitchcock had a problem--a big one. Robert Walker, the actor who was cast to play Bruno, had died of an adverse reaction to mixing prescription drugs (Walker suffered from mental illness) and alcohol as filming was about to begin (1). So, he had to find...
  16. Red Alert - Our 1953 USSR

    You're begging for mercy, Beria--after all YOU did and had done?!? Goodbye, Beria--you won't be missed...
  17. Worst movies/TV shows that never existed

    What tv channel would air it?
  18. Sports What Ifs.

    WI the Bears draft Aaron Rodgers as QB instead of Cedric Benson with the fourth pick in the 2005 NFL draft? Rodgers would certainly have had a better career than Grossman in Chicago, IMO and, with Rodgers, the Bears likely win Super Bowl XLI...
  19. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    Yeah, Turkey is going to be hit far harder than OTL, methinks...
  20. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    Wondering how many people died in Greece from the war...