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  1. What if the Hungarian Soviet Republic survived?

    Which might be possible if the Soviets get themselves, via conflict with Romania and Poland and Czechoslovakia that ends properly with Soviet Bessarabia, northern Bukovina, Carpatho-Ukraine, and western Ukraine instead of Polish.
  2. What if Romania joined the Entente in 1915 instead of 1916?

    If the Entente realizes that Bulgaria *just won't buy it* especially without a handover of Serbian Macedonia *up front* - you can either make Serbia deliver, or not - if you can't, stop dreaming and move on, then getting Romania to join the melee in 1915 and first seems a heckuva lot better than...
  3. Wiener Schnitzel Arrabiata - consequences of a summer 1918 Italian Victory at Vittorio Veneto

    I know a lot of the Italian-American population was not naturalized in 1920, and "birds of passage", but I wonder what share of them that were naturalized citizens and eligible voters voted Republican versus Democratic in the 1920 Presidential elections and the remaining Presidential elections...
  4. What if the USA National Origins Quota system of the 1920s *included* quota limits on western hemisphere nations too?

    What if the USA National Origins Quota system of the 1920s *included* quota limits on western hemisphere nations too? In OTL, although it may sometimes be forgotten, the immigration-tightening, post-WWI quota system actually *excluded* western hemisphere nations from its numerical quota limits...
  5. What if Romania joined the Entente in 1915 instead of 1916?

    What if Romania joined the Entente in 1915 instead of 1916? Sure, when Romania committed to join the war in 1916 it *briefly* looked like a good time to join, with the Russian Brusilov offensive battering the Austro-Hungarians, and the Allies from Salonika making a northward sally toward the...
  6. Wiener Schnitzel Arrabiata - consequences of a summer 1918 Italian Victory at Vittorio Veneto

    ...10 with Austrian capitulation on August 11th, but Hindred Days and hitting Hindenburg line started on August 8th. But what you suggested would be *very interesting*! And I imagine it could become less unlikely if we moved the start of the Italian offensive forward a week or a few more...
  7. What if the Hungarian Soviet Republic survived?

    So, they complied with the Belgrade Armistice terms pretty quickly. Did they also with the Foch-Benes Czechoslovakian terms issued the next day and their forces south of that line rather quickly, despite their being a Red invasion/uprising in Slovakia later?
  8. Could Hungary have successfully defected in WWII?

    Slovak rebellion got crushed and reoccupied. Romania was on the battle path to Vienna, Bulgaria was only a slight diversion. The problem with this is that even though the Allies were willing to pretend the Austrians were a victim not accomplice of Germany, in 1944-45 they were still fighting as...
  9. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    ...not doing a general capitulation and continuing to lead their fight/resistance from a location not as exposed to naval gunfire. Firebombing Constantinople's neighborhoods and historic buildings (houses of worship, etc.) *after* Ottomans declare it an "open city" -- that would look even worse.
  10. Result of / How can France lose the Franco-Prussian war harder?

    I did - excellent and perceptive catch!
  11. What if the Hungarian Soviet Republic survived?

    What's the borders of your imagined Red Hungary, and the borders of Romania? And heck, the borders of Czechchoslovakia (or is it just Czechia)? Yugoslavia?
  12. What if the Hungarian Soviet Republic survived?

    Why no Bela Kun? Any specific people in mind for a replacement? And what do you see a replacement doing differently that provides a chance for survival?
  13. Result of / How can France lose the Franco-Prussian war harder? Africa and the Pacific acquired in the mid-1880s when Bismarck himself relented on his anti-colonial instincts did not get London all *that* excited or disturbed to tell the truth. Britain went through the remaining fifteen years of the 19th century on generally better diplomatic terms...
  14. Result of / How can France lose the Franco-Prussian war harder?

    How much more will Britain get its knickers in a bunch, really, over the transfer of any of Senegal, or Cote D'Ivoire, or Gabon, or Tahiti/Society Islands, or New Caledonia, or Cochinchina/Cambodia, or alternatively the extra square kilometers of the landlocked Briey-Longwy districts, or up to...
  15. World Islam in a Crusader Win TL

    Were they for sure? I've heard Persia only became firmly Shia with the Safavids - though Shia dynasties were not unprecedented, and the Buyids were likely Shia when Shia dynasties were prominent all over the place from Tunis to Egypt to Khorasan. I think @Geekhis Khan nailed it with...
  16. AHC: Sea-faring Jews

    The thing about the Iberians is you've gotta Torquemada lot of hostile ideas about the Jewish religion and population ;) Problem is you couldn't Torquemada anything ;), even if it cost the country much of its long-term wealth and lots of medical and craftspeople. I know there's a couple...
  17. How early would you need to change American colonial history to guarantee an Anglo-American sovereign relationship close as Anglo-Canadian in 1883?

    ...cluster, where revolutionary, Continental Congress agitation and armed resistance starts, and it gets resolved either through a) late diplomacy and *significant* confederal concessions of the Olive Branch petition, or b) military defeat of Continental forces, mainly through not having...
  18. WI: Bulgaria, Romania & Greece all joined the entente in November 1915?

    Seems a little late in the year, November, for Romania to commit to the Entente side....*after* all the beatings Russia has taken in the Grlice-Tarnow offensive and Bug-Narew campaign and forced into the great retreat. How great a bet does this look like for Romania, versus Romanian painting a...
  19. AHC: Accelerate the Union conquest of Atlanta and march to the sea by a year

    Would significantly faster progress on the road to Atlanta and Savannah to the tune of a year, or even six months, drastically change the politics of partisan nominations and ticket composition for 1864? progress and have successes that would be considered significant enough in the north to...
  20. How would a Chinese/Japanese colonization of the Americas differ from European colonization?

    ...of parts of the Americas and perhaps poaching of some of the Americas from other colonizers as well as natives as being somewhat more likely *after* the Iberians discover all the trans-oceanic routes and demonstrate all the valuable commodities and minerals that come from the western...