Recent content by xie323

  1. Your Personal Pop Culture Utopia timeline

    In the remake trilogy because they are doing a sort of "sequel" trilogy to the original game, or a complete rebuild. It was deliberately framed as ambiguous this time around and there is the very strong case that "Aerith lived in timeline B but not the main timeline" or "she did die but they...
  2. Your Personal Pop Culture Utopia timeline

    This is ranty but.... In any timeline where the words "FFVII" and "remake" are muttered together, Square Enix dosen't take a "stir the pot until it explodes" approach to dev interviews with regards to the FFVII Remake Trilogy, especially Rebirth and post-Rebirth marketing. There is nothing...
  3. Images from Bush vs. The Axis of Evil

    Wonder what the above would have to say about alt-Helldivers games assuming my above post happens.
  4. Images from Bush vs. The Axis of Evil

    Post for Helldivers II, a first-person shooter game set in an authoritarian galaxy-spanning Empire centered around the seemingly "democratic" "Freedom Earth". The game satirizes many aspects of the first George W. Bush Administration and its' War on Terror. (Yeah I had to do that :P)
  5. The New Order: Last Days of Europe Thread II

    I don't really agree with Petlin or Werbell. Werbell actually does legitimately good things in his better paths and if we list him we can list ANYONE with a bad path like "pre-rework Sablin" but whom can also be really wholesome. Petlin is a legitimate redemption option. He was literally...
  6. Your Personal Pop Culture Utopia timeline

    Eh games so big it takes years of your life to finish isn't in itself a bad idea(while this is hardly open world, I'd say Persona 5 is a very good example of that sort of game done right), it is more Ubisoft and Bethesda refusing to innovate their respective franchise or in the latter case...
  7. What TL ideas do you have that will probably never see the light of day?

    My own take on the "US tries to achieve superpower status with more kindness or at least as less really controversial decisions as possible for a world power" inspired by the recent "US wins cold war with kindness" thread, the various "best possible US reputation" threads we had some time back...
  8. Your Personal Pop Culture Utopia timeline

    The "7-8 episodes max is the new normal mentality" is never adapted by the television industry and rather it becomes a case-by-case situation depending on the show in question and the character arcs being planned, leading to some shows have shorter 7-8 episodes while others get the old 13-20...
  9. US tries to win the Cold War with kindness?

    It's possible. Have Henry Wallace wake up to Stalin's excesses much earlier and eventually succeed FDR. While Wallace did a few shady things(He was the one who told Truman to initiate Operation Paperclip). IIRC Wallace's policies re:Latin America was far less imperialistic and he'd be also the...
  10. How would a Lyndon LaRouche Presidency (1981-1989) go?

    As previously mentioned, Larouche was VERY reactionary regarding abortion and feminism so we'd pretty much see Schafly or some other turbo-reactionary being appointed to SCOTUS.
  11. How would a Lyndon LaRouche Presidency (1981-1989) go?

    We'd see huge focus on infrastructure, nuclear and fusion energy domestically, populist economic policies combined with an attempt to roll back the cultural changes of the 1960s by cracking down hard on counterculture while promoting certain forms of "classical" music since Larouche viewed it...
  12. Worldwide Communism (alr no more pre-1900)

    Even my idea of the USSR rolling nat20s and 1919 being more successful would likely see some sort of fragmentation alliances wise down the line tbqh, I don't really see how a fully unified socialist bloc is possible, at most we can have a couple of blocs be cordial with each other.
  13. Worldwide Communism (alr no more pre-1900)

    Either have a Reds situation where the US goes Communist in the Great Depression and it results in both hemispheres of the Americas going socialist, or...... Have Lenin get succeeded by Sverdlov as suggested by the poster above me Germany goes Red in 1919, Polish-Soviet War resulting in a joint...
  14. Your Personal Pop Culture Utopia timeline

    To be honest, I don't think fandoms behaving that way is inherently a bad thing, on the basis that there is an impulse for people to want to explore mentally certain dark narratives or ideas without it being brought into the real world and one of the reasons why certain openly toxic ships are...
  15. Battle Royale: The Last Generation Of An SNES-CD Saga

    Also this is something I am curious about, but how did you guys do a Kingdom Hearts III where every major villain is redeemed and it being implied that there wasn't much backlash? I am asking because I am planning on having alt-Xehanort or his equivalent in a gaming timeline I am planning also...