Recent content by Wiggy

  1. UN takes legal action against the USA

    I don't think the UN dare sue the US. The reason for the Americans to with hold their dues is based in their claim that the UN conducts itself corruptly/inefficiently. I can't imagine the UN wanting to expose themselves in court and show the world just how corrupt they are.
  2. No Black Death

    Happy shiny people I think it would have had a big impact on the Church. Instead of people dying all around you inexplicably, you're able to carry on with your life. With no Black Death there's not the same need to seek refuge in faith. People end up with a more positive view of the world, the...
  3. AH Challenge: USSR stays out of war with Japan

    What did I miss? The USSR never really did go to war with Japan in any big way in WW2 (USSR ends neutrality pact with Japan Apr. 29, war declared by USSR Aug. 8, Japan agrees to surrender to Allies Aug. 14, formal surrender Sep. 2). It was kind of an afterthought that cost the Japanese a...
  4. Inventions that could have changed the world

    I recall reading a short story some years ago where FTL space travel was a snap - a very simple and straight forward technology. The author took the premise and applied it to a civilization with the empire building mentality and general technological level of early 19th century Britain...
  5. Canada or Quebec -oil producer?

    Hmm. You must be from Onatrio. Well, seeing as I find it hard to imagine that Quebec would be so generous as to be making transfer payments to Ontario, they're probably long gone with their own country, because money is the great enabler. Then the French will drop in to meddle. And the U.S...
  6. Years of Rice and Salt

    I read this some months ago. It took a little doing to get through 'cause it felt like the book was drifting dangerously towards irrelevance from time to time, but it had an interesting enough premise to keep it alive for me. Rather a bleak world without the Europeans. And an unremittingly...
  7. WI special forces in 1914?

    You make a pile of good points about the more "gentlemanly" or structured nature of war prior to WWI. If someone had had the imagination to build and deploy units that were more akin in nature to modern special forces I think it would have made for some interesting twists in history. I like the...
  8. Why no answers to Aust PODs ?

    I picked up a tome on the early colonial history of Australia (A Fatal Shore) and found it quite interesting. It may well be a couple of reasons for interest in the posts is stillborn. Australia doesn't strike me has having the same type drama in it's history as America or Europe. Yeah, I...
  9. Dutch Battleships

    I could imagine Britain getting antsy over this – Brittania Rules the Waves and all that. While they were on friendly terms with the Dutch (as near as I'm aware) they would probably be quite worried about the possibility at some time of these battleships falling into the hands of the Germans...
  10. US takes Canada

    Big bunch of 'em did as I recall . . . :)
  11. Lost in Space 20 more years

    Wow. That's gotta make you, like, some sort of Citizen of the World, or something (or Canadian). Good story! :p
  12. US takes Canada

    All you need is for things to go badly for Britain in the war with Napoleon. Then, instead of Louisiana on the block, it's Canada. Britain is embroiled with France for another 5-10 years and can't defend Canada. France has a lousy navy, so they can't effectively protect Louisiana. The Europeans...
  13. President Hamlin 1865-1873 or Real Reconstruction

    Off the hook? The Nuremberg trials, millions dead, a ruined country cut in half with the east occupied by a brutal communist regime for nearly half a century. All of Europe suffered through the war. Off the hook is a bit off the mark. I think that the approach of reconstruction and...
  14. Kolwezi 1978/African Dien Bien Phu

    Another chapter in the illustrious battle record of the Legion. A second, stronger drop is made and things get sorted out as intended. OTL carries on. The French take their business in Africa quite seriously. Thank goodness. Wouldn't want to see them having enough time on their hands to be able...
  15. Battleships to Present Day

    I agree. Something that big up against missles and aircraft might as well just be labelled USS Shoot Me. I think that you'll continue to see shrinking platforms as the military is able to pack more and more punch into a smaller and smaller package. That'll apply to any platform, not just...