Recent content by Seandineen

  1. WI — Mondale takes pass on running in 1984 against Reagan ? ?

    The archtypical gentleman, who never seemed to put a foot wrong.
  2. WI — Mondale takes pass on running in 1984 against Reagan ? ?

    John Glenn might get the nod.
  3. Malcolm X becomes a Baha'i

    Alex rocco, from the Godfather was a devout Baha'i.
  4. The Prague Spring endures?

    While Kadar would never have openly stood up to Moscow, He understood blood alone couldn't sustain power.
  5. What if Duy Tân was restored as Emperor of Vietnam in 1945?

    Ky would have had a good relationship with the throne.
  6. President Reagan assassinated in 1981

    It is a symbol of the government of national unity, above party politics, and embodying the best minds in the country.
  7. What if WWI ended in 1916 with a status quo ante bellum?

    Karl I Pope Benedict XV, and Clemenseu seemed to think other wise.
  8. What if Duy Tân was restored as Emperor of Vietnam in 1945?

    He would be simmilar to Shinaouk without his hyper sexuality and with much better judgement.
  9. The Prague Spring endures?

    Thanks, friend, you know your history. I wish my students knew it.
  10. The Prague Spring endures?

    Was there a faction in the Politburo opposed to the shedding of blood?
  11. If you could change One event post 1900..?

    Wendy Wasserstein gets better treatment and lives. Her daughter becomes her intellectual heir
  12. AHC: A White Nationalist neopagan country.

    Perhaps a disability utopia, the Baldar Council, could be created in the North west
  13. President Reagan assassinated in 1981

    chicken rice, soda strawberry cake. This came from the final meal of the attempted assassin of FDR in 1933
  14. The Prague Spring endures?

    What if Dubcek had help from Jonas Kadar? Having replaced Nagy after the 56 blood bath, Jonas understood the need for carrots as well as sticks. Iotl he tried to persuade Brensnev to avoid an armed invasion?