Recent content by Sacer Bubonicus

  1. Sacer Bubonicus

    Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    If the American Civil War doesn't happen and slavery ends up being gradually abolished over time, how would Southern ideology develop, given that the planter elite which defined it IOTL doesn't have the odium of a failed rebellion(*)? (*): and the main feature which defined postwar Southern...
  2. Sacer Bubonicus

    Best monarch or head of state to kill off early for a more prosperous future

    And what Spain got was two-and-a-half civil wars. Was that really a good thing, especially in this critical time when Spain was recovering from the reaming it took during the Napoleonic occupation and then the loss of the colonies? If there was any chance of Spain industrializing and remaining...
  3. Sacer Bubonicus

    Decolonization in an Axis victory scenario

    Oh really? So much for fellow Aryans, eh?
  4. Sacer Bubonicus

    What alternate history ideas you wish they were used more often?

    Madagascar avoiding colonization and successfully modernizing.
  5. Sacer Bubonicus

    Would a Central Powers Victory be Dystopian?

    A reaction which consisted of "We retract this statement!" while doing nothing to actually change the situation on the ground, where that statement was still being enforced. (As opposed to the British government, which actually intervened to stop the mass deaths in the Boer concentration camps...
  6. Sacer Bubonicus

    Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    The Slavic languages take their pitch-accent system and turn it into a full-on tonal system.
  7. Sacer Bubonicus

    Would a Central Powers Victory be Dystopian?

    At which point, we're back to time traveling Britbongs again. And look how far we have to go back! If you're going that far back, I might as well mention Maria Theresa and Joseph I's crimes against the Romani people as a sign of the Austrian Empire's indelible evil while I'm at it. Because...
  8. Sacer Bubonicus

    Would a Central Powers Victory be Dystopian?

    Uh-huh. Observe how the reality of Jewish patriotism and military excellence is emphasized, while the fact of the German military leadership not giving a shit and stirring up antisemitism anyway is deemphasized as hard as possible - first being made physically smaller than the part about Jewish...
  9. Sacer Bubonicus

    Would a Central Powers Victory be Dystopian?

    Combined death toll, please? I don't think this combined death toll goes up to even 100, or 200 at the very maximum, which just goes to show how desperate you have to be that this is what you call Britain's answer to the Belgian Congo and the Namibian genocide. Singularly pathetic!
  10. Sacer Bubonicus

    Would a Central Powers Victory be Dystopian?

    *sigh* We've already been over this. Don't think I've forgotten or that I can't use the Search function. Edit: also, even then, let's say that were true... the German government sure didn't stop when the public found out about the extent of the Namibian genocide - re: the Hottentot Election...
  11. Sacer Bubonicus

    What if Decembrist Revolt Succeeded and Overthrow Nicholas I of Russia

    See below. In addition to Mikhail, there were 4 daughters with sons who could inherit the throne.
  12. Sacer Bubonicus

    What if Decembrist Revolt Succeeded and Overthrow Nicholas I of Russia

    In order for you to have Effect, you need Cause to exist. If Daddy Putin doesn't exist to knock up Mommy Putin, there will be no Putin. Simple as. I don't understand why the rules of cause and effect should be suspended when famous historical characters get involved.
  13. Sacer Bubonicus

    Would a Central Powers Victory be Dystopian?

    Yes, the British government of 1914 somehow time traveled 66 years into the past to give itself tips on how to deal with the Famine. x'D Get your timeline straight before you get outraged. Which, unlike the Boer genocide, ended only when all Herero/Namaqua resistance had been put down. Who...
  14. Sacer Bubonicus

    What if Decembrist Revolt Succeeded and Overthrow Nicholas I of Russia

    When 99/100ths of his army is still loyal to him and fully willing to kill the republican traitors themselves? Yeah, right. If you want to stop this from being a one-sided slaughter, you need a POD perhaps a decade prior to the actual revolt itself. And the Brits didn't try to, say, lop off...