Recent content by paladine

  1. The British Empire......LIVES!!!

    if you eliminate both world wars, or even just make it so the british didnt tell the germans (or anyone else for that matter) how to make machine guns, then the british empire would be the undisputed leader of of world events. it was the most powerful entity by far even right after world war 2...
  2. Historical "good guys"

    wow if a nation doesnt go secular, than your chances of persecution at some point in time are well over 60%, look over it
  3. Historical "good guys"

    sorry my mistake didnt see the "prior to its adoption" clause, anyway it was okay before that, but then again, it wasnt much of a historical force before that either.
  4. Historical "good guys"

    WTF? all of those people who voted for the US, i guess i shouldnt be surprised after seeing the same opionion expressed over and over agian. 1: The US is the only country i can think of which, not just defends its current governments actions, but defends the actions of every past government...