Recent content by konigmarke333

  1. The Biden Express

    This is getting pretty exciting - great work! Hopefully we get an independent Kosovo much earlier ITTL (looking possible). Also hoping Joe gets better soon - this is no time to be without leadership at the top!
  2. Maybe The Horse Will Learn To Sing

    Oh the intrigue! I love this kind of parliamentary manoeuvring and it's all phenomenally well-written. Great job! (personally hoping Labour just gets the numbers this time).
  3. The Raptor of Spain

    Cool update - looking forward to seeing the map!
  4. The Weighted Scales: The World of an Aborted Rome

    Great timeline! Really enjoying the resurgent Egypt and the Carthaginians in Iberia :) Also excited to hear more about the new-look Spartans!
  5. The Prodigal Sons Return: The Progressives of Wisconsin and the Republican Party

    I love this timeline - it's brilliant to be drawn into a part of history I know nothing about (in this case, Wisconsin politics in the 1950s) and to want to learn more and more about it. Rooting for the Progressives at the moment, but also loving TTL's Democratic Eisenhower! Please continue.
  6. A More Personal Union

    Great updates and beautiful map - I don't see either super-Denmark or super-Poland lasting too long but I guess we'll find out... Is this new Royal Free Navy a French institution or an all-three-kingdoms thing?
  7. Union and Liberty: An American TL

    Awesome TL! Please continue. Naturally I'm rooting for the UK/Russia alliance though from hints earlier it looks like the US will enter the war on the other side so I guess I shouldn't hold out too much hope...
  8. Flaming Dragons-A Warlord China Alternate History

    Nice work, and great to see this returning!
  9. A different Finnish War

    This is really exciting - please continue!
  10. The Weighted Scales: The World of an Aborted Rome

    I can't say I know much at all about this time period, but this is an extremely compelling TL. Can't wait to see how India pans out especially, and what badassery Xerxes will get up to next... :D
  11. A More Personal Union

    Nouvelle-Occitanie?! This TL excites me no end. Subscribed! Out of curiosity, whereabouts in the country have the Navarrese landed? It seems rather unlikely at this stage of history that they'll bother setting up colonies in New Zealand. We lack the riches that Henri l'Autre seems to be after...
  12. "Now Blooms the Tudor Rose."

    Great update. It's looking like the next few updates are going to be pretty messy for almost everyone. Scotland in particular looks to be in trouble...
  13. A Song was Heard in China - A Different Tiananmen

    This is a very enjoyable timeline. Glad to see Ishihara go, but sad to see Hatoyama's fate here. As someone who's spent a considerable amount of time in Japan in the past, I hope that Ito manages to pass this legislation. Looking forward to seeing this continue.
  14. The Anglo/American - Nazi War

    Just read though the whole thing over the last couple of weeks or so. Great work! One of the best pieces of alternate history I've read anywhere. Looking forward to checking out some of your other work on this site!
  15. The Autobiography of Arthur

    This is a very enjoyable read. I really like the autobiography style; the wedding night scene was particularly touching. Well done. I'm very keen to see the geopolitical ramifications of a King Arthur rather than Henry. I guess we'll see England closer to Spain than to France, especially as we...