Recent content by Frige

  1. Killing Christianity with Kindness

    In the face of genuine persecution the Church preserved the exclusivity of its worship and was never amalgamated with traditional religion in the way that other revealed religions were. If Christianity found official support earlier on than it did, did it risk this? You could picture Jesus...
  2. Map Thread XIV

    This map is actually from Korea
  3. WI: Mary I and Philip II had issue?

    Do the reasons for England's initial settlement of North America still exist in a Hapsburg scenario?
  4. Stephen Kotkin: "But what if Stalin had died?"

    I think collectivisation on Stalin's scale would as the above says be unlikely. Afaik an extremely radical policy wasn't what his allies wanted, nor was it advocated by Lenin.
  5. Silliest Cultural Traits

    I don't like to put other cultures down and call them silly but The Feast of the Ass is pretty curious.
  6. WI Mohammed's sons lived to adulthood

    Mohammed had sons OTL who died in childhood. If one at least lived to adulthood, I'd guess that would make them natural successor on Mohammed's death. That introduces an interesting element into Islam- would it then, very early on, develop an established tradition of a dynasty with divine...
  7. Challenge: Delay/eliminate the rise of the boy band

    I wonder if poppy eurodance could fill the demographic niche catered to by boy and girl bands in the 90s? Maybe not in America, but in the UK maybe.
  8. How could the germans have won WW1 after 1917?

    If Clemenceau were not to come to power in the winter of 1917 or he were to die early on I would have thought politics in France would turn to seeking terms. In the first case it was considered a real possibility, Caillaux was mooted as a new PM to make peace but lost out to those who supported...
  9. An Alaska Question. WI there was no US Purchase

    I thought the Russian Empire had readily available manpower to settle wilderness in its system of penal servitude. If gold is found, couldn't the government send less criminals and dissidents to Siberia, and instead build new camps and mines in Alaska?
  10. AHC: Buddhist Iran

    What if Persia had a sustained religious fracturing from the 2nd or 3rd century with Christians, Manichaeans and doctrinally split Zoroastrians all being there in big numbers. Then, an invasion from Buddhist-dominated steppe tribe could end up spreading Buddhism through silk road cultural links...
  11. More realistic "Kaiserreich" timeline?

    The idea that the international working-class movement would rebrand itself syndicalist over socialist and social democratic was always pretty stupid. That's completely off the cards. In Germany revisionism and the mainline SPD will probably be in the ascendant as the burgfrieden policy is...
  12. ahc wi no sessession after LINCOLN election

    How much of a chance did the Corwin Amendment have?
  13. Nazi and Soviet Thoughts on Lincoln

    Marx wrote to Lincoln on behalf of the First International. :D
  14. AHC: Weirdest possible powers

    Could be that the USA guarantees a neutralised Korea but the agreement is overtaken by events.
  15. AHC: Weirdest possible powers

    Sun Myung Moon avoids his court case in the USA and the Unification Church is much more successful. At the beginning of the 1990s North Korea collapses along with the Soviet Union. As the famine and chaos is resolved with reunification, missions and charity from the Unification Church lead to...