Recent content by fdas

  1. fdas

    La Guillotine Permanente: A French Revolutionary Timeline

    Napoleon's ego would eventually lead to him wanting to seize power for himself.
  2. fdas

    China collapses like Rome

    I think that was mostly luck rather than the Mongols fundamentally making China more likely to be united. Only two dynasties followed the Mongols before the Republic. The Ming overthrew the foreign Mongol dynasty and were themselves conquered by the Qing, so the end of the Ming didn't have the...
  3. fdas

    WI: Spanish invasion of China

    The Ming dynasty during this time would not be so easily destabilized. Some foreigners in the coastal regions causing some havoc would not lead to massive rebellions throughout the empire that overthrow the dynasty.
  4. fdas

    What if Maoist China went full on Pol Pot?

    He still has yet to prove his claim that an Imperial Japanese occupation would not have done far worse to the people of China.
  5. fdas

    What if Maoist China went full on Pol Pot?

    What is your source for the 12 million number?
  6. fdas

    What if Maoist China went full on Pol Pot?

    Where is your evidence?
  7. fdas

    What if Maoist China went full on Pol Pot?

    Showing that he is the worst involves comparing to prior Chinese leaders, which you have not done. Especially when you make such a claim like this.
  8. fdas

    What if Maoist China went full on Pol Pot?

    Again, you have not answered the question I am asking.
  9. fdas

    What if Maoist China went full on Pol Pot?

    Again, can you provide any evidence whatsoever? Preferably with some numbers.
  10. fdas

    What if Maoist China went full on Pol Pot?

    Only because the population was much higher. Looking at the proportion is a different story.
  11. fdas

    What if Maoist China went full on Pol Pot?

    You still haven't shown this is worse than the others.
  12. fdas

    What if Maoist China went full on Pol Pot?

    You have repeated this multiple times but you have not provided any support for this.
  13. fdas

    What if Maoist China went full on Pol Pot?

    And in what way does this support your assertion that the Communists right now are more oppressive than any other regime in history from Qin Shi Huang to the Mongols to Imperial Japanese occupation?
  14. fdas

    What if Maoist China went full on Pol Pot?

    Mind elaborating on this?
  15. fdas

    Something Serious Has Happened on Air Force One (a Tl/story by Geon)

    So the letter has been found. I wonder if Curry can be charged with not telling the FBI about it in a timely manner.