Recent content by DMA

  1. Operation Sealion

    This is what the Nazis need...
  2. Some questions about Papua ?

    Blackmage has summed it up more or less completely. But I'll stress the point that the Queenslanders only really moved into south-east NG because the Germans "unofficially" has already set up shop in Papua, Rabul, etc, & were sniffing around elsewhere. Overall, it goes back to the foreign...
  3. Possibly Different Gettysburg

    Hancock is another possibility
  4. Koori Britain

    Koori Britain Considering this topic has just popped up, in the pre-1900 forum, I thought I'd post this story of mine here. I guess all comments can be posted here: The coming of the Aboriginal Empire of...
  5. Australia becomes an Empire?

    Technically speaking we do have a Monarch - Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia, as Constituted by the Australia Act 1986
  6. Australia becomes an Empire?

    Excellent approach LacheyS. But to me it's not about the introduction of foreign food stuffs, afterall there's plenty of Australian foods to eat whether it be kangaroos, emus, possums, & goodness knows whatever else, not to mention crops foods igrnored by the first Europeans, but now accepted...
  7. Australia becomes an Empire?

    ooohhhhh a whole lot of issues here... OK possible POD. In the OTL the ALP governments of Curtin &, to a lessor extent, Chifley did have a de facto policy, especially in the immediate aftermath of WWII, to carve out an empire in the Pacific & South-East Asia region. This would be administered...
  8. Famous quotations that never were

  9. Famous last words never heard

    My Fuhrer, beg my forgiveness, but Operation Sealion just comes across as nothing but fucking stupid… August, 1940, Admiral Erich Raeder
  10. The professionals fight the ACW

    I don't think that would have stopped the Union taking New Orleans as the great bulk of the garrison had left to have their adventures at Shiloh. Needless to say, that was Bragg's idea which Davis went along with.
  11. The professionals fight the ACW

    Probably not much difference for the South, but the actions of the North could be drastically improved as Lincoln was often poking his nose into things until mid 1863... Having said that, I have little faith in the abilities of Pope, McClellan, Burnside, or McDowell, so maybe the OTL is more or...
  12. Reverse New Commonwealth

    I think France would be the obvious choice
  13. Famous last words never heard

    "Oh fffffuuuuucccckkkkkkkkk!!!!!" Wernher von Braun as he accidentally rode the first V2 into space
  14. Napoleon Guillotined for the Oriental Defeat

    What if Napoleon, after his return to France, was guillotined for his ultimate defeat in Egypt. How would this effect the OTL?
  15. Famous last words never heard

    "What the fuck was that?" Mayor of Hiroshima 6 August 1945