Recent content by Born in the USSA

  1. Born in the USSA

    "What Madness Is This?" Volume III: The Pinnacle Future

    We could have a Mad Max epilogue so that'd be cool
  2. Born in the USSA

    AHC: Create an exotic party system

    Now just mash 'em both together
  3. Born in the USSA

    Map of the Fortnight: Main Discussion Thread

    Oh goddamn that's perfect, I've been putting off making a new map for my deglaciated Antarctic superpower TL! My computer sucks so it won't be good enough to enter the actual challenge but I look forward to what people make.
  4. Born in the USSA

    "Power Without Knowledge...": President Haig and the Era of Bad Feelings

    Having some car problems and almost definitely need a new car so things are a bit more hectic on my end unfortunately. Still, it gave me the idea to include at least a passing mention of Transformers in my regressive fiction post, since although you'd never know it from the OTL modern movies...
  5. Born in the USSA

    The King in Yellow and Other Stories: A President Lovecraft Weird Fiction Timeline in Several Acts

    Ran into some delays since I'll probably have to buy a new car and am stuck walking/biking to work for a couple of weeks. Hopefully once I get everything sorted I'll be able to type up The Brazen Bull but things are just a little hectic right now 😅
  6. Born in the USSA

    AHC: Create an exotic party system

    If anyone can't guess that's as close as I can get to mapping Civil War to actual politics. I actually enjoyed the movie quite a bit even if the lack of reference to actual modern political realities disappointed me. Still a good "modern civil wars are terrible" movie though even if it doesn't...
  7. Born in the USSA

    "What Madness Is This?" Volume III: The Pinnacle Future

    They have diametrically opposed race theories but similar governmental systems so they'd hate each other more deeply than either ever thought possible.
  8. Born in the USSA

    "Power Without Knowledge...": President Haig and the Era of Bad Feelings
    Threadmarks: The Great Divide- (Sub)cultural Marks-ism

    Was thinking about the eventual 2016 election today while out running errands and I figured I'd lay out a couple of subcultural symbols (besides the previously mentioned Weathermen logo) for relevant groups that don't quite rank up to being flags on their own. I've got to clean up a lot of...
  9. Born in the USSA

    AHC: Create an exotic party system

    Here's another fun one based on a TL where Fred Hampton gets assassinated later: The National Union Party is the personal beast of president Nixon, originally a Republican Party renamed to absorb the Democrats alienated by a surge of leftist radicalism in a bid to hearken back to Lincoln. Then...
  10. Born in the USSA

    AHC: Create an exotic party system

    Glad to see so many incentive systems, good work gang!
  11. Born in the USSA

    Officially Nameless Country/Leadership/Ideology

    I mean in Transmetropolitan the two parties still have names but no one ever uses them, it's always just the Party in Government and the Opposition and elections just switch which of them is which.
  12. Born in the USSA

    Flag Thread V

    Replace red with violet, green-white-violet was the traditional scheme given the implications of mauvine and it saves you from your bait posting
  13. Born in the USSA

    Upcoming AH books

    That sounds ludicrous
  14. Born in the USSA

    Look to the West Volume IX: The Electric Circus

    This one's done, we'll get a new thread when the next book is ready to start 🤔
  15. Born in the USSA

    Look to the West Volume IX: The Electric Circus

    Reread the Silent Revolution chapter and it got me thinking. Alfarus was able to defuse the first major split within Combine Societism by embracing the Familista position while retaining the Garderista one as an implied threat and I started pondering how he (or a more competent successor than he...