Which country if Russian Revolution fails would become communist ?


If Russian Revolution failed which other country could become the first communist state ?

For example was it possible for India after decolonisation ?


Maybe Germany?

Germany actually had communist uprisings in several places in the immediate aftermath of World War I. And even without World War I Germany would likely have been the country most likely have a communist revolution. But I don’t think it would have succeeded.

Germany had a carrot and stick approach to communism. The Socialist-left political parties were outlawed for a good bit of time in the decades before World War I while Bismark created the world’s first social security system to placate the left in an effort to stave off revolution. At any rate, if a revolution had been tried the Prussian army would have suppressed it. This would likely have moved the next center of communist agitation to the U.S.A. as German refugees fled as they did after 1848.
I for some reason believe an Islamic nation would be the first communist nation.

My Nominations:

1. Egypt and Syria as one state
2. Iran
4. Libya
5. Iraq
I for some reason believe an Islamic nation would be the first communist nation.

My Nominations:

1. Egypt and Syria as one state
2. Iran
4. Libya
5. Iraq
3/5th of those countries were colonies until the 50s. It's implausible Communism won't crop up until 50s IMO. However, one day I mighjt do my 'Islamist Communism' thingy. Well, not Islamist, but Communism showing Middle-Eastern solidarity. Iraqw had a good chance in the 50s/60s.
Germany, China, Italy, Spain, and Latin American countries all had good chances to become Communist. Perhaps if one of those comes up instead of Germany/Russia/America more effort would be made towards Comintern rather than the one country sort of thing.
Che did more to demote communism in SA then promote it. He changed in his later years and no longer knew how to understand the needs of those around him. Most people who met Che the revolutionary disliked him.
So my vote would be South America is out. Especially richer countries like Argentina.


I for some reason believe an Islamic nation would be the first communist nation.

My Nominations:

1. Egypt and Syria as one state
2. Iran
4. Libya
5. Iraq

With the possible exception of Turkey, the Islamic countries were less industrialized than Russia was. What proletariat did any of these countries have?
Germany actually had communist uprisings in several places in the immediate aftermath of World War I. And even without World War I Germany would likely have been the country most likely have a communist revolution. But I don’t think it would have succeeded.

Germany had a carrot and stick approach to communism. The Socialist-left political parties were outlawed for a good bit of time in the decades before World War I while Bismark created the world’s first social security system to placate the left in an effort to stave off revolution. At any rate, if a revolution had been tried the Prussian army would have suppressed it. This would likely have moved the next center of communist agitation to the U.S.A. as German refugees fled as they did after 1848.

Unlikely, Communism always had limited appeal in the US. Hell, Socialist parties never did particularly well not talking Communist ones. The US was far too stable in the 20th century to fall to Communism.
With the possible exception of Turkey, the Islamic countries were less industrialized than Russia was. What proletariat did any of these countries have?

Proletariat? What? I was thinking the Muslims could be communist due to maybe an anti-Christian attitude.
Proletariat? What? I was thinking the Muslims could be communist due to maybe an anti-Christian attitude.

Since when is Capitalism=Christian? If you claim Jesus was a capitalist, I will laugh you into the ground.

You don't know what the proletariat is? You have no place assigning communism then.
Well, what I mean is a communist jihadist group per se. Basically them choosing communism for government.

Like Flaja said, why? Communism rose as a reaction to workers being oppressed by industrial capitalism, and the Middle Eastern countries didn't have that at the time. It doesn't make any sense, it's like you want them to be communist because you'll see them as more evil.
Well maybe we should have them more oppressed during the colonial days after WWI. They get sick and tired of imperialist capitalist countries taking their oil and bossing them around, they become communist as resistance.


Without the Russian Revolution, some groups do not get the funding they did, but neither do governments set out on witch hunts to kill them off. A part of the reason the Russian Revolution really worked was that it was the first of its kind, and everyone underestimated the Russians. (Then again the Bolshies did get very lucky, and the timing was just right... etc. etc.)
Unlikely, Communism always had limited appeal in the US. Hell, Socialist parties never did particularly well not talking Communist ones. The US was far too stable in the 20th century to fall to Communism.
Socialism was very popular in the US from about Lincolns time right up to the McCarthy witch hunts. Lincoln was pen pals with Marx. The socialist party was huge at the time. It numbered in the millions when Lincoln was voted in.
Well maybe we should have them more oppressed during the colonial days after WWI. They get sick and tired of imperialist capitalist countries taking their oil and bossing them around, they become communist as resistance.

Plausible, instead of going right wing like they did in the second half of the 20th century, they go left wing in the first. Hmm, interesting.